Erster Trailer zu Suicide Squad mit Will Smith
Holla die Waldfee, das ging aber fix. Nach dem Leak des Trailers von der Comicon hat sich DC Comics wohl „kurzfristig“ dazu entschlossen den Trailer ins Netz zu stellen.
Warner Bros hat dazu folgendes Statement veröffentlicht:
Warner Bros. Pictures and our anti-piracy team have worked tirelessly over the last 48 hours to contain the Suicide Squad footage that was pirated from Hall H on Saturday. We have been unable to achieve that goal. Today we will release the same footage that has been illegally circulating on the web, in the form it was created and high quality with which it was intended to be enjoyed. We regret this decision as it was our intention to keep the footage as a unique experience for the Comic Con crowd, but we cannot continue to allow the film to be represented by the poor quality of the pirated footage stolen from our presentation.
Na, was haltet ihr von dem durchgeknallten Söldnertrupp aus Oberschurken?